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Essential Info

What is a Lipstain?

A lipstain is a lipstick or lip colour product with special ingredients which “stains” the lips temporarily so that the colour does not fade and therefore lasts longer. Think beetroot or blackberries!

Why use it?

Lipstains Gold is great for anybody who loves to wear lipstick but gets frustrated by the need to continually re-apply lipstick over and over again all day. With a single application all that stress is taken away! For this reason Lipstains Gold is also a very economical solution, and can also be used as a base coat which will make other lipsticks last longer.

We speak to customers who love Lipstains Gold for all sorts of reasons, which vary from a demanding work schedule where constant re-application is simply impossible, to activities such as swimming where a conventional lipstick is not up to the task, or because conventional lipsticks just do not stay on. If you are somebody who does not like the idea of finding yourself “naked” during the day then you will like the reassurance of the stain.

What is the difference between a lipstain and a traditional lipstick?

Lipstains Gold has real staying power and is a great hassle free way of looking great all day. Waterproof, kissproof and moisturising it will last through all your activities without the need to constantly check and reapply. Additionally Lipstains Gold can be used as a base for conventional lipsticks to help them last longer, and provide a backup in between applications.

What is special about Lipstains Gold?

Lipstains Gold is the original favourite with super rich moisturising and conditioning ingredients. It has amazing staying power and a great diverse colour range to choose from. Lipstains Gold has a well tried and tested performance record and is loved for its distinctive look and feel worldwide.

How can I use it?

A single application is all you need for all day comfort. Just apply as a conventional lipstick, and allow the shade to develop for a minute before removing excess. After a few moments the lipstick will have set, and won’t stain a teacup!

As the lipstain reacts mildly with your pH a few customers find a colour change – sometimes lining the lips with a little foundation or face powder will reduce this effect.

Can I remove It?

If you need to remove the Lipstains Gold then it is most easily done as soon as possible after application - try a little lemon juice or Crowes Cremine.

Hints and tips

- To test a shade in store, try it on your fingertips first as the pH is closest to the pH of your lips.

- To create a softer shade, try using a little foundation and/or face powder on your lips first.

- Try laying one colour over another to create different shade effects.

- Use Lipstains Gold as a base shade under any other lip product - and be sure you never have bare lips! Looks great with lip gloss!

- To set the lipstick faster and to help it last even longer, try using your powder brush and gently sweep a very small amount of face powder over your newly applied lipsick.